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See Edpreciate

from the Inside

Try Edpreciate for yourself below.

Send a recognition

All colleagues of every seniority level send recognition posts to one another.

It’s quick and easy taking on average 2-4 minutes.

Try it yourself.

Post Boosts

Our boosts feature allows seniors leaders (or any other nominated staff e.g. middle leaders) to quickly and easily ‘piggy-back’ on peer-to-peer recognitions.

Keeping leaders ‘in the know’.

School Development Plan Tags

 The tags feature lets headteachers set visible priorities for everyone to use when sending posts.

This keeps short-term and long-term goals clear, while encouraging the team to appreciate each other’s efforts in reaching them.


Extrinsic rewards can be offered when posts are boosted.

Schools can customise their rewards based on what matters most to their team or individuals.

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